Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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Rodrigo William
Today, we gathered the top 10 best Flygon in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive sce...
hoenn flygon PokémonTCG
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll go through the new One Piece TCG banlist, effective from April 2025 onward...
news opinion review optcg competitive
Nat Almeida
Do you play gates in your decks? In this article, we'll show you a few interesting details about the...
gates manabase land mtg
Today, we gathered the top 10 best Sableye in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive sc...
PokémonTCG Sableye
In this article, we list ten enchantments that marked the history of Magic: The Gathering and became...
Magic Enchantments Top 10
In this article, we gathered the best removals of all time for your Commander deck. Check it out!
ranking removals commander
Stock Up, an uncommon that received little to no attention during Aetherdrift previews, has become a...
Aetherdrift Metagame Competitive
Murilo Papa
Today, let's go through everything that might be banned in the next One Piece TCG banlist update, as...
onepiece banlist optcg review
Banlist update at the end of the month means a month of theories! This time, there's no clear target...
Legacy Ban Unban Speculation
Magic is getting more expensive - but how expensive is "too expensive" for Latin American countries?
Magic UniversesBeyond Opinion
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, we'll go through each Yu-Gi-Oh game, including the TCG, OCG, Master Duel, Speed ...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG OCG MasterDuel SpeedDuel RushDuel
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the future of Pokémon Pocket, particularly how not nerfing or buffing...
opinion pokémon pocket
Today, we gathered the top 10 best Absol in the history of Pokémon TCG, both in the competitive scen...
Hoenn Absol Pokémon TCG ranking
In this article, we'll explore the top 10 best Cyberse monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
Yu-Gi-Oh! top 10 cyberse
Tabata Marques
Let's check out an analysis from different players about the changes to our beloved Commander Format...
cmd edh cedh
In this article, we highlight the ten most iconic game-winning combos in Magic: The Gathering!
Top10 Combos Magic
In this article, we'll show you 5 rising Standard decks. These lists are relatively new, but extreme...
guide lor decks standard
In this article, we've selected fifteen memorable moments from the main games in the Final Fantasy s...
FinalFantasy UniversesBeyond