Surging Sparks, which was released at the beginning of November, made Electric decks even more powerful. Pikachu ex SSP 57 became a better alternative to Mewtwo ex sv4 58, and significantly improved this archetype; it also made it more flexible and efficient.
Now, a new Lightning Box version has come up. It makes the most out of Pikachu and explores its synergy with Area Zero Underdepths SCR 131. We'll go through it in depth soon.
This deck, besides winning the Sacramento Regionals at the hands of Landen Kaetler, was also used by the runner-up, Kenneth Gilman, who played a very similar base.
Miraidon Box by Landen Kaetler, the 2024 Sacramento Champion
The Deck
Miraidon ex: Setup Pokémon

In this list, Miraidon is an essential recursive Pokémon. With its ability, you'll be able to play basic Electric Pokémon directly on your bench.
Its attack is also quite decent. Considering this deck includes many Electric Generator sv1 170, you'll easily be able to set it up while it is on your bench, move it to your active spot, and then deal 220 damage with it.
Raikou V: Explosive, Dynamic Attacker

As Raikou V BRS 48 is a fast attacker, you'll set it up in no time as you play.
Lightning Rondo, its attack, deals extra damage based on how many benched Pokémon you and your opponent have. In the best-case scenario, you'll be able to deal 220 damage with it (20 base damage + 100 extra damage from your benched Pokémon + 100 extra damage from your opponent's benched Pokémon).
With Area Zero Underdepths SCR 131, you'll expand your bench by three slots as long as you have a Terastal Pokémon in play. In total, you'll have 8 bench slots after you use this Stadium. If you combine it with Raikou, you'll be able to deal at least 160 extra damage considering your benched Pokémon; if your opponent has 5 benched Pokémon, you'll deal 280 damage (20 base damage + 160 extra damage from your benched Pokémon + 100 extra damage from your opponent's benched Pokémon).
Furthermore, Raikou's ability, Fleet-Footed, draws you a card from the top of your deck if it is your active Pokémon.
Raichu V: Perfect to Deal Massive Amounts of Damage

What interests us is Raichu V's second attack, Dynamic Spark. When you use this attack, you may discard as many Basic Lightning Energy sv1 257 from your Pokémon as you want to deal even more damage. You'll deal 60 damage for each energy you discard this way.
If you discard just 6 energies, you'll deal 360 damage and knock out even stage 2 Pokémon with a lot of HP, like Charizard ex sv4pt5 54.
Iron Hands ex: The Greedy Attacker

Its attack, Amp You Very Much, is what we need. If you knock out your opponent's active Pokémon with this attack, you'll get an extra Prize card.
This Pokémon is perfect to deal with "baby" Pokémon that don't have a lot of HP, like Charmander in the Charizard ex Terastal archetype, and Dreepy in the Dragapult ex archetype.
To get the energies you need to use this attack, you'll need Magneton SSP 59's ability, Overvolt Discharge.
Recursive Pokémon

Supporter to Filter Tools and Items

This card is perfect to get Nest Ball sv1 181 or Ultra Ball sv1 196. These two cards, in turn, will help you develop your game plan, besides drawing tools - in particular, Forest Seal Stone SIT 156.
Supporter to "Pull" Enemy Pokémon

Items to Search for Pokémon

Items to Attach Energies to Your Benched Electric Pokémon

Item to "Pull" Enemy Pokémon

Item to Recycle Pokémon or Basic Energies




This Stadium expands your bench. Instead of 5 bench slots, you'll have 8 bench slots if you also have a Terastal Pokémon in play.
Pikachu ex SSP 57 is your key Pokémon to make this Stadium work.
Special Energy

- This deck is great against Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR PR-SW SWSH254 because of its weakness.
- This deck is great against Charizard ex sv4pt5 54.
- This deck is great against Gardevoir ex sv4pt5 29.
- This deck is great against Lugia VSTAR SIT 139 because of its weakness.
- This deck is great against Roaring Moon ex PR-SV 67.
- This deck struggles against Dragapult ex TWM 130 if your opponent manages to set up their Pokémon before you do.
- This deck struggles against Iron Thorns ex TWM 77. Its ability disables "Rule Box" abilities, except for Future Pokémon. This is terrible for your recursive Pokémon, in particular.
- This deck struggles against "Control/Stall" Snorlax.
Final Words
You can find a good portion of this deck for very cheap. If you buy the League Battle Deck: Miraidon, you'll actually get around 70% of the cards you need for this deck - just be careful because the 2025 rotation is just around the corner!

Then, you can simply get singles to complete the rest of the list, like Pikachu ex SSP 57, from Surging Sparks, Fezandipiti ex SFA 38, from Shrouded Fable, the special set, and Area Zero Underdepths SCR 131, from Stellar Crown.
What did you think of this deck? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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