Yu-Gi-Oh TCG


Top 5 Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks in December 2022

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In this article, I present the top 5 decks for the December 2022 format. Check out how the lists work!

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tradotto da Romeu

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rivisto da Tabata Marques

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Best Decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Currently
    1. Dracoslayer
    2. Naturia Runick
    3. Spright Bystial
    4. Floowandereeze
    5. Tearlaments Ishizu
  3. > Conclusion


In today's article, I'll be bringing an analysis of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, which promised to change or not after the November 2022 banlist. Thus, the format that started on December 1, 2022 will be considered, with the new banlist in effect.

Check out the top 5 decks of the current format below!

Best Decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Currently


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Dracoslayer is currently the best Pendulum deck in the game, and as such, it comes across as an aggressive combo deck. The deck can fetch field spells through the effect of Majesty Pegasus, the Dracoslayer and usually Necrovalley is its target in a Duel against Tearlaments.


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Additionally, its main combo consists of establishing a board with Baronne de Fleur, Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres, Abyss Dweller, and Dinoster Power, the Mighty Dracoslayer. Thus, during the opponent's turn, it is possible to access the Extra deck "lock" with Amorphage Sloth.

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Naturia Runick

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The main focus of the deck is keeping Naturia Sunflower and Naturia Camellia on the field. While "Sunflower" is a monster negate, "Camellia" has the effect of replacing the cost of that negate by sending the top 2 cards of your deck to the Graveyard.

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Also, "Camellia" lets you access Naturia Beast, which will negate the activation of your opponent's spells, and send the top 2 cards of your deck to your graveyard during the process.

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The Runick engine is here, so you can protect the “Sunflower”, and sending of cards to the graveyard helps you have more legal targets for Runick Fountain to cycle and draw more cards, Ishizu cards are also very relevant, so you can interact with your opponent's graveyard or even cycle your cards.

The deck is also effective at accessing powerful Rank 4 Xyz Monsters and 10 Synchro Monsters like Baronne de Fleur and Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying.

Spright Bystial

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Spright remains a very versatile deck and when using Bystial, it manages to take advantage of this extra body on the field to correct bad hands by accessing its links, which only need a Level 2 monster and any other monster to be summoned.

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Although Bystial has improved some of the consistency that the deck lost with the Swap Frog ban, the deck is still swallowed by Tearlaments and to win it is necessary to establish Toadally Awesome in your field early, in addition to open with interactions to stop the opponent's graveyard.

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The Floowandereeze deck has been present in the Metagame for a long time, however, since Tearlaments consolidated itself as a tier 0 after the arrival of the Ishizu, the deck has gained strength and even more popularity in the format.

The win condition is simple: prevent your opponent from playing with your floodgate monsters.

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Despite being an inconsistent deck, it manages to play freely on many occasions by deviating from the main techs of the format, which are Bystial and Ishizu. In addition, the deck manages to use Dimension Shifter like no other strategy, which is the best card against Tearlaments.

Tearlaments Ishizu

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Despite the release of “anti-tearlaments” cards, the banlist did not affect tier 0 of the format at all. Tearlaments Ishizu is still as good as before, even with the appearance of some decks that try to prey on it.


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The deck won the first major event of the format, this time being the YCS North America 2022 (remote duel), which took place on 12/10/22 and 12/11/22. Tournament champion Cristian Urena's deck maxed out the Fairy monster engine again to utilize the newly limited Herald of Orange Light and did not run any Bystials. Particularly, I believe that this isn't the best approach for the deck, but it was still good enough to be crowned champion.


What did you think of the list? You are welcome to share your opinion here in the comments.

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