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Hearthstone: Cards that will be missed in 2022

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In today's article, we will bring the Hearthstone rotation, where the 2020 (Year of the Phoenix) cards will leave Standard format. Come and remember the most outstanding cards of that year!

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tradotto da Pedro Fernandes

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rivisto da Tabata Marques

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  1. > How does card rotation works in Hearthstone?
  2. > Cards that will be missed in 2022
    1. Demon Hunter
    2. Druid
    3. Hunter
    4. Mage
    5. Paladin
    6. Priest
    7. Rogue
    8. Shaman
    9. Warlock
    10. Warrior

How does card rotation works in Hearthstone?

Every year, Hearthstone undergoes a big change, rotating several cards to Wild, as well as a set change. In 2022, all expansions released in 2020 will move out of the Standard format.

Ashes of Outlandlink outside website, Scholomance Academylink outside website and Madness at the Darkmoon Fairelink outside website will be the sets affected this year.


Note: Rotation will take place on April 12 with the launch of the Voyage to the Sunken City expansion.

Cards that will be missed in 2022

Demon Hunter

Ashes of Outland

Cards like Spectral Sight and Skull of Gul'dan belong to Ashes of Outland, and with the release of this set, the class will say goodbye to a lot of draw power.

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The Demon Hunter will also lose Immolation Aura, one of the best removals that was used a lot.

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Scholomance Academy

Scholomance brought a new Soul Fragments mechanic, which was sovereign when it launched, but after many nerfs it won't be missed.

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Glide is a spell that is still working today, and it's more of a buy out of the standard format.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

Darkmoon Faire was one of the best expansions for the class, when it comes out it will cause a little pain for Demon Hunter fans – many vital cards are leaving.

Il'gynoth and Felscream Blast were part of a OTK combo, and the two cards are on their way out.

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The other OTK was working with the Hero Kurtrus, Demon-Render along with Expendable Performers and Felfire Deadeye. The Hero will still be part of the standard format, but it can wave goodbye to the other pieces in the combo.

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Ashes of Outland

Several popular spells of the class were part of this set, among them worth mentioning Overgrowth and Glowfly Swarm.

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Another card is Fungal Fortunes, a great draw for the Druid.

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Scholomance Academy

There are few Scholomance cards that were still being used for the class. Adorable Infestation and Lightning Bloom are two of them.

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However, other cards like Guardian Animals and Survival of the Fittest have already been part of many older decks.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

This expansion was great for Druid lovers, and will be sorely missed. Guess the Weight and Arbor Up worked very well in many decks.

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And we have to talk about Eclipses: Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse revolutionized the game, and now they're coming out.

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Ashes of Outland

A set that didn't bring many interesting cards for the Hunter, but we can't forget about the Scavenger's Ingenuity spell.

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Scholomance Academy

The Face Hunter will have good losses, like Wolpertinger and Demon Companion.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

Few cards of the class worked in this expansion, but they are fundamental cards for some Hunter decks. These are the Trampling Rhino and the Rinling's Rifle weapon.


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Ashes of Outland

This set will be missed, huh? The Starscryer is well used, even today.

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Several controversial cards were also released in this expansion, such as Incanter's Flow, Evocation and Astromancer Solarian which were very popular. But with some nerfs, they disappeared from the game.

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Scholomance Academy

Mozaki, Master Duelist, owner of one of the biggest OTKs in the history of the class, goes into Wild mode. In addition to the Cram Session spell, which could easily draw 7 or 8 cards.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

Currently, only the Mask of C'Thun will be needed, but this expansion featured the Deck of Lunacy, another spell that has been used a lot (and controversial).

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Ashes of Outland

Ashes of Outland literally brought the class to life, and with her departure, can we decree the Paladin's death?

Libram are saying goodbye to the default mode, which is literally fundamental to Paladin decks. Among the Libram it is worth mentioning Libram of Wisdom and Libram of Hope, in addition to the minions Aldor Attendant and Aldor Truthseeker.

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Of course, how to forget about the legendary cards Lady Liadrin and Murgur Murgurgle? These will be missed.

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Scholomance Academy

Devout Pupil is the only Scholomance minion still doing well in the class's decks.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

Darkmoon Faire brought some interesting weapons, like Libram of Judgment and Hammer of the Naaru.

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And also the secret Oh My Yogg!

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Ashes of Outland

Many control spells are going out of standard, such as Renew, Apotheosis and Soul Mirror.

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Much to the sadness of some (and the joy of many), the Priest is losing Sethekk Veilweaver, that minion that can practically generate infinite resources in your hand.

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Scholomance Academy

The polemic Mindrender Illucia was part of Scholomance, in addition to the strong spell Raise Dead.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

Other control tools are saying goodbye, such as Hysteria and Palm Reading spells.

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Nazmani Bloodweaver provided Miraculous turns for the Priest, and it's another card that's going out.

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Ashes of Outland

This expansion bet heavily on Rogue of Secrets, with three secrets and Shadowjeweler Hanar.

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In addition to also bringing in some minions that interact with stealth, such as Spymistress and Greyheart Sage.

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Scholomance Academy

Some spells will be missed, such as Cutting Class and Secret Passage, which always saved the Rogue when he needed a draw.

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At one time, Jandice Barov was also used a lot, do you remember her?

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

More draw cards are saying goodbye, Swindle has always been popular with decks in the class.

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Recently, cards like Cloak of Shadows and Tenwu of the Red Smoke have started working.

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Ashes of Outland

Few cards from this expansion have served the Shaman, it's worth mentioning only the weapon Boggspine Knuckles and the spell Serpentshrine Portal.

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Scholomance Academy

Here at the Academy, several cards of the class stood out, among them the spells Lightning Bloom and Devolving Missiles.

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And the legendary minions Instructor Fireheart and Ras Frostwhisper.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

The Elemental Shaman will lose a big piece with the departure of this set, the Cagematch Custodian has always been very popular with players.

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Do you remember the OTK Shaman that came out recently? The combo was basically done using Y'Shaarj, the Defiler along with the Dunk Tank spell, the two cards will rotate into Wild mode.


Ashes of Outland

Some discard interactions are part of Ashes in Outland, such as Hand of Gul'dan and Nightshade Matron.

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Scholomance Academy

The Warlock received removal spells in Scholomance, which were heavily used in more control decks.

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Raise Dead and Flesh Giant are cards that have been great since their release to date, but will now be unavailable in the Standard format.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

Backfire has always been a very efficient draw for the class, and it will be a very considerable loss.

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Ashes of Outland

The Control Warrior player will want to cry after discovering that the weapon Bulwark of Azzinoth along with the spells Bladestorm and Sword and Board are going out of Standard mode.

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And also Corsair Cache, which still works well in most decks.

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Scholomance Academy

More losses for the Control Warrior, here who will say goodbye are the minions Lord Barov, Troublemaker and Rattlegore.

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Another considerable output is the Cutting Class spell, an essential source of draw for the class.

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Madness at the Darkmoon Faire

Few cards from this expansion are still used by Warrior players, worth mentioning the removal Minefield.

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That's it for today! What did you think of this list? Will you miss any cards? Say it in the comments!

If you have another card in mind, say it here for us to discuss! Hugs!