Today, we brought you the best Eternal decks for the ranked queue, according to their win rates.
Let's go through each list and understand why they're so strong right now. We'll also analyze the current state of the Eternal ranked queue this season.
Elder Dragon Garen - Matron Combo + Elites Midrange - 68.87% WR
This meta is a bit too fast for the conventional Control/Ramp versions of this archetype. As a result, this version, which focuses on playing units on curve, Elites-style, is performing better. It is a much faster alternative of this ramp archetype, with units that are more aggressive.
It also plays the Spectral Matron + Cithria, Lady of Clouds combo, but, instead of leaning on Freljord ramp cards to pick up the pace, it plays spells and units that discount the cost of the cards in your hand: Mobilize and Cloud Drake.
The most significant difference is that, to speed up the game, you need Spectral Matron and Cithria, Lady of Clouds in your hand.
This deck might play many Elite cards, but it doesn't actually interact with this card type at all (it is simply a coincidence that most units in this strategy are Elites). So, it is particularly open to changes, and can evolve a lot. This has already happened; we'll go through it soon enough.
It is a Midrange list as well, but is great against Annie Jhin. It truly debunks the myth that "no Midrange deck can beat this archetype". This Elder Dragon deck, then, built this way, is one of the most popular and powerful options right now.
Big Discard - 68.91% WR
Big Discard is one of the most classic Eternal archetypes, and is always one of the most popular and powerful strategies on the ranked queue. It is once again popular right now.
The list itself changed very little. The only difference is that now it focuses more on setting up "explosive" turns with 3 copies of Arachnoid Sentry, which Stuns enemy blockers.
It is a fast list that centers around check-mating your opponent as fast as possible. It has endless resources that you can recycle later on with Lost Soul.
Furthermore, it also has great matchups against basically everything in the meta, and it is that type of list that only loses to itself.
As it is a bit difficult to pilot, if you're not familiar with this archetype, you might struggle in the first few matches. The secret is to not get attached to your cards and play around probability. Always consider: "if I draw X card right now, do I win the game?". If the answer is yes, don't worry about discarding important pieces with Rummage. Always look for lethal.
Riven Fizz - Voltron Combo - 69.57% WR
This archetype was the center of attention at the last LoR World Championship in 2023, and has returned once again. It now plays a Bandle City package with a few aggressive cards from this region, as well as Fizz and Papercraft Dragon.
The main idea is to hoard resources on a single unit. Focus on buffing it as much as you can and giving it keywords until you can win the game with just that single unit and one or two attacks.
To help you do that, this deck includes Riven's Reforge kit. You'll create cheap spells in your hand that, besides levelling up your Fizz, let you put pressure on your opponent. Before you realize it, you'll have unbeatable attackers on your board.
Assistant Librarian, Fizz, and Riven are your key units. Throw all your resources on them before any other card.
Use Papercraft Dragon as a finisher, and Ruined Reckoner as well. This is how you'll catch your opponent off-guard in critical moments.
This list doesn't have great matchups against control lists, but, as they're not very unpopular right now, Fizz Riven will most likely become more powerful as time goes on.
Elder Dragon Demacia Dragons - Slow Midrange Lux: Illuminated - The Mighty Duck - 70.15%
The evolution of the Elder Dragon + Ramp archetype has hit its peak once again with this updated version of the Mobilize + Cloud Drake combo. This time, Matron and Cithria were removed.
This is the best Midrange list we have in the entire game right now because it plays the Dragon kit in a very optimized way, and combines it with champions that fit this "tempo" game style really well: Lux: Illuminated and Quinn.
It plays classic Dragon cards, like Dragon Chow, but doesn't play spells like Confront or Strafing Strike because they're too tied to the Dragon archetype. Instead, Ancient Yeti and Captain Arrika are this deck's main cards. They'll complement your mid-game alongside Mageseeker Junior, which is great against Seraphine.
Like so, this list doesn't need to focus solely on Dragons, and can explore the "best cards" from Demacia and Elder Dragon's region without giving up strong Dragon interactions, like Dragon Chow. It is incredibly well-built!
When you play this list, you'll realize all the pieces fit the main puzzle in different ways, but still very coherently. It is well-prepared to deal with any matchup, and yet it isn't a "duck" deck (namely, a deck that does a bit of everything, but badly).
In fact, it is the mighty duck: it does a bit of everything really well.
Classic Poppy Ziggs - 70.39% WR
This deck is always at the top of the rankings whenever a new Eternal ranked season starts. It is once again dominating the meta.
In fact, it hasn't changed a bit; it is literally a copy-paste version of last season's Poppy Ziggs.
It is perhaps one of the most popular decks of all time, as well as one of the easiest to pilot in the entire game. Furthermore, it is very accessible to new players because it is very cheap to craft.
It is the most aggressive deck you can possibly build in the entire game, and the meta always forms around it - you either beat it, or play it.
Considering the last Eternal ranked seasons, we can say that, in the next few weeks, we'll start seeing more heals and removals. So, prepare yourself to play and see lots of Shadow Isles!
Final Words

If you read this far, thank you! I hope you had fun, and enjoyed reading this article.
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See you next time!
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