The Awakening Seasonal Tournament happens this weekend and, though many players already have their line-up decided, there are some who are confused when faced with so many possibilities.
My goal with this article is to straighten out some ideas for those who are lost and bring the main line-ups I believe most players will bet on.
The Meta's finest
Before bringing the options, it is a good idea to mention the strongest decks right now, because I believe most line-ups will web out from them.
Right now, the 3 decks that are dominating LoR are:
The strategies will focus around these 3 decks, be it in line-ups that bring all three or line-ups that want to target any of these lists to play around beating them.
Like so, the first example I bring is the following:
1) The 3 strongest meta decks!
Because of Riot Lock, it isn't possible to bring both the Nami Lee TF and Swain TF lists in the same line-up, but you just need to take out the 1 copy of TF in Nami Lee TF and add in a third copy of Lee Sin to make it viable.
I believe this will be the most used line-up and it is indeed, quite strong, as it makes your opponent hesitant to ban, because all 3 decks are performing really well in the ranked ladder and also in tournaments.
2) All against Nami
If by any reason you want to face Nami Lee Sin (which I don't recommend), and ban something else, the idea is to use a very aggressive line-up and here we have 3 decks that spit out units and impose a very fast game rhythm.
The idea was to have 3 Demacia decks, as Nami Lee Sin doesn't deal well with rally, but as there isn't a third deck with this style in the meta, I put in Elise Nocturne, which has many fearsome units, which in turn are not quite easy to deal with by the Nami Lee Sin deck.
3) All against Swain
Swain TF hates The Ruination, Vengeance, healing and Quietus (TF cries in the corner when this spell hits him) and in this line-up all of those are included and in the case of FTR there is also freezing, so it is a line that will perform really well against Swain and Twisted Fate.
That is without mentioning the control lists that can play well against many archetypes, so it is a safe bet.
4) All against Pantheon
In case you want to build a line-up that beats Pantheon Fiora, the idea is to go for decks that have recalls, stuns, removals and strong combos, so I suggest a triple Ionia line-up, because Deny really impairs the Pantheon Fiora gameplan.
Here I've separated Lee Sin from Nami, so it can pair up with Akshan, which has Spellshield tools and quite a powerful combo together, so Nami gets to have TF in the Ionian version.
To finish we have Karma Master Yi, which besides Ionia, brings out Shadow Isles, so there's The Ruination, Vengeance and Go Hard to eventually get the powerful Pack Your Bags.
5) "There's no place like home"
*This is a phrase originally from The Wizard of Oz.
This example I bring is the line that I will bring to Seasonals and it is the perfect balance that I've found between what is strong in the meta and what I like to play.
It is also the classic example of a line-up with 2 strong decks and 1 comfortable deck, which in my case is Norra Heimer. I have a lot of fun with this combination and I find it important that you bring decks that you like and have fun playing, because it will be 9 rounds!

It doesn't pay to get all the 3 strongest decks and not even like them, you know? In my case, I'm very familiar with Nami and Pantheon lists, so I'm quite comfortable playing both decks, but I wasn't comfortable playing Swain TF, for instance, so I chose to follow my heart and bring Norra Heimer.
If you pilot decks such as Swain Norra, Kindred Nasus, Taliyah Malphite or even Anivia really well, you can add them into your line-up and I recommend you practice looking at the meta and look for which of the strongest decks you like, and then go on to build your line-up.
If by any chance you hate Nami, but like the Pantheon Fiora list and Swain, but don't like his deck with TF and if by any chance you feel like you are the best Darkness player in the world, you can build the following line-up: Darkness, Swain Norra and Pantheon Fiora. It was a very specific example, but that might help you guys when it's time to build a definitive line-up for Seasonals!
Final Thoughts
So, guys! With all these tips did it get really easy to build your line-ups for Seasonals? I hope so!
If you liked this article, don't forget to leave your comments down below and tell me what will be your line-ups! ;) Good luck to all in the Tournament this weekend!
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