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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll show you the best decks to beat Fearsome archetypes. These aggressive Shadow ...
guide competitive standard
Pedro Fernandes
Dungar Druid, which is dominating the meta, is the newest version of the iconic Druid Ramp/Control! ...
dungar druid deck tech hearthstone standard
Today, we'll show you a few strategies to beat Azir Irelia. This is the most popular Eternal list in...
guide lor Eternal
Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, we'll see if Pauper is ready to deal with the growing threat of strategies that ...
Pauper Competitive Metagame
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll analyze one of the most iconic strategies in Flesh and Blood: fatigue. We'...
fatigue FaB control strategy
The latest Pokémon TCG set, which brought new Clay Burst and Snow Hazard packs, is to blame for the ...
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Rodrigo William
Follow the analysis of the best cards from the first Sub Set of Scarlet & Violet: Triple Beat, evalu...
PokémonTCG Triple Beat Standard
The subset brings Generation IX starters.
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Tony Lucas
In this article you will learn how to play the strongest meta deck!
Deck Tech Competitive
Capitão Serket
If you like dealing Nexus damage and cleaning the board at the same time, this deck is for you. Twis...
Competitive Meta Tempo
Raphael Martinez
We're back with one more weekly metagame analysis of Challenge top 8s!
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Daniel Linhares
Let’s explore how Playtime dominates the instant payout game and how it’s setting a new standard for...
Playing blackjack in an online casino can be entertaining and convenient, although you need the righ...
The dealer’s behavior and their face-up card can provide crucial insights that help inform your deci...
The growth of online casinos has democratized access to its games and made it possible for enthusias...
Since online casinos have become so popular in the last decade, many people wonder how they can maxi...
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