
Deck Guide

Standard Deck Tech: Dungar Druid - Unbeatable Control!

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Dungar Druid, which is dominating the meta, is the newest version of the iconic Druid Ramp/Control! In this article, learn how to play the best deck of the year so far!

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traducido por Joey

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revisado por Joey

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  1. > Introduction
  2. > Dungar Druid
    1. Cards
    2. Win Condition
    3. Mulligan - Starting Hand
  3. > Matchups
    1. Aggro
    2. Control
  4. > Final Words


Heroes of StarCraft, the most recent Hearthstone mini-set, changed the meta! A few decks have become even stronger, and their win rates are now soaring. For instance, the deck we'll explore today, Dungar Druid, has a 57.80% win rate according to HSReplay (data taken on February 3rd, 2024).

It might not play any new cards, but it is one of the most powerful lists in the Heroes of StarCraft meta, and demands our attention! Considering that, we, at Cards Realm, decided to write a deck tech so we can all learn how to play Dungar Druid. Let's go!


Dungar Druid

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This deck's game plan is similar to the iconic Ramp Druid that was a force to be reckoned with for years in the past. The goal is to get as many mana crystals as we possibly can so we can play the many expensive cards in this list earlier than usual.

Like any great control deck, we'll need healing and armor to remain alive until we can get a good amount of mana. Big minions with extremely powerful effects are also part of this strategy.

Let's see below each card in this list and what they do.


Let's start with our spells. Most of them will give us more mana, either for just one round or for the entire match.

For instance, this list plays Innervate, Trail Mix, New Heights (which, by the way, gives us three extra mana crystals), and Crystal Cluster. If we already have all the crystals we can get, Crystal Cluster will summon 3/7 minions with Taunt, which are an excellent way to make our board even more resilient and protect our hero.

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Another way to ramp is Malfurion's Gift. It will give us a Temporary Wild Growth.

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To survive as we try to get more mana, we can rely on Pendant of Earth and Frost Lotus Seedling. For instance, because our minions are extremely expensive, Pendant of Earth will easily heal us by 8 or 10 HP. Star Grazer will also do the same and give our hero +8 attack so we can put pressure on our opponent.

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Another card that can help us survive is Forbidden Fruit. When we play this card, we'll spend all our mana to get twice as much armor. Another detail that makes this spell really flexible is that we can use all our mana to get more attack power.

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Arkonite Revelation and Cactus Construct are in this list because they create more resources in our hand. The first card will draw us a card and can even discount its cost, while the second will Discover a minion and summon a 1/1 copy of it. It is excellent when we have a minion with Taunt and Divine Shield, like Annoy-o-Tron, particularly when we have to defend ourselves.

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Finally, we have Hydration Station, which is our most expensive spell. It will revive our most expensive minions with Taunt, and we play lots of them in this list. So, we'll revive three 8 or 9-cost minions with just one card.

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Some minions we'll summon again with Hydration Station are Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (with the Virus and Perfection modules), besides Thunderbringer and Star Grazer.

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Thunderbringer is in this list because it is the perfect opportunity to summon expensive minions for no cost at all. In this case, it will always bring us Star Grazer and Splitting Spacerock.


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We also play two Titans - Yogg-Saron, Unleashed, and Eonar, the Life-Binder, which are essential. By the way, as a Titan, Eonar can heal our hero to full health, refill all mana crystals used in a particular turn, or draw until we have a full hand. The first two effects go really well with this deck.

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Finally, as another way to summon many minions at once, we play Travelmaster Dungar, the card that named this archetype!

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Win Condition

An interesting combination to win the match is to, with Star Grazer in play, start our turn with Forbidden Fruit. If we have 13 mana crystals, it will have 13 attack, and then its effect will give it an extra eight attack, so we'll be able to attack for 21.

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Other than that, our big minions will already be enough to win on their own, particularly Travelmaster Dungar and Thunderbringer because they also summon more minions when we play them. Look at the difference they make in a single play in a match that, so far, I was losing.

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I didn't have a lot of life, but when I activated these minions' effects, the match changed entirely.

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Also notice how much mana I had and how much mana my opponent had. This stark difference will be critical, as this way we'll be able to cast our expensive resources earlier.

Mulligan - Starting Hand

Mana ramp is always our priority when we mulligan. So, look for Malfurion's Gift, Trail Mix, or New Heights.

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If you can't find them, you can keep Arkonite Revelation and Cactus Construct because then you'll have some board and new resources.

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Finally, some players enjoy Travelmaster Dungar in their starting hand, but I only recommend this if you have at least two ramp cards as well.

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Dungar Druid is relatively simple. You just need to be patient and do your best to handle enemy pressure. Against faster decks, play it simple with healing and armor. Some ramp could also be interesting if you want to move faster. This is your ideal mulligan:

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If you're against a zoo deck (the ones that swarm the board with 1-health minions), you can keep Malfurion's Gift and use its Swipe (a mass removal). You'll exchange mana for safety.

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Slower lists will most likely be as passive as you early on, but, if they get more mana before you can, you'll hardly be able to win the match. So, my only suggestion is to win the mana race - so get as many ramp cards as you possibly can!


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Travelmaster Dungar is viable in your starting hand, as it will let you move faster, but remember: you should only keep it if you have other mana spells as well.

Final Words

Dungar Druid is one of the strongest, simplest decks around - it doesn't even force you to memorize fast combos to win. However, it is a bit expensive, as it plays many legendary cards from multiple sets.

I highly recommend this list if you can build it because it is efficient and will certainly take you to Legend!

What did you think of this list? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!