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Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, we'll explore Grixis Affinity, one of the best decks in Pauper. I'll show you ou...
pauper decktech sideguide competitive
In today's article, I'll discuss an unusual version of Mono Blue Terror that uses Sneaky Snacker ins...
In today's article, we'll discuss one of the most popular decks in Pauper right now: Glee Combo. I'l...
Pauper DeckTech SideGuide Competitive
Nat Almeida
Let's play with Sorin? Check out our Commander deck tech with this creature as your commander!
commander decktech sorin lifegain orzhov
Pauper has entered its "green era". In today's article, we'll discuss one of the best decks right no...
Golgari Midrange is one of the best decks in Standard, and really stands out among other midrange de...
Standard DeckTech Competitive Sideguide
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll study Red Yellow Sabo. This deck is quite different from the original ST13...
decktech guide op
Let's commit crimes with Gisa? Take a look at this commander in our new deck tech!
decktech commander gisa
In today's article, we'll discuss how to build ST13 - The Three Brothers, and how to play its leader...
decktech onepiecetcg
In today's article, I'll discuss a version of Bogles that got me a trophy in the Pauper League, and ...
Faeries are still lurking around Pauper! Dimir Faeries is arguably the most popular version nowadays...
Pauper's metagame has changed a lot since Commander Legends. In today's article, I'll discuss a deck...
Grixis Midrange was one of the best decks in Standard last year, but, since then, its popularity wen...
Standard DeckTech SideGuide Competitive
In today's article, we'll analyze another deck for Pauper, this time one of the best decks in this f...
Pauper DeckTech SideGuide
In today's article, we'll discuss the shiny new thing in Standard, Temur Lands Control - a deck that...
standard decktech sideguide
Lightning Helix is available in Pioneer and Explorer due to its reprint in MKM. In today's article, ...
Explorer Arena MTGA DeckTech
In today's article, we'll discuss Murders at Karlov Manor's Deadly Disguise, and how to upgrade it t...
decktech commander upgrade
In today's deck tech, I'll show you my main Commander deck! We'll see the adventures of The Eleventh...
commander decktech jeskai doctor who