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Upgrading Commander Precon: Cavalry Charge (Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir)

Upgrading Commander Precon: Cavalry Charge (Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir)

Eduardo Silveira

A review of March of the Machine's Commander deck, Cavalry Charge, alongside a guide on how to upgra...

EDH CavalryCharge Upgrades Commander

Upgrading the Commander Precon: Divine Convocation (Kasla, The Broken Halo)

Upgrading the Commander Precon: Divine Convocation (Kasla, The Broken Halo)

Gabriel Almeida

A review and upgrade guide from March of the Machine's Divine Convocation precon deck, featuring the...

Upgrade Commander Divine Convocation Kasla

Deck Guide: Karma Sett - The Best Late Game Ever!

Deck Guide: Karma Sett - The Best Late Game Ever!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Today, we'll talk about Karma Sett, the strongest Control deck in the current meta. You'll learn how...

guide deck guide control

Pokémon TCG: Preferred pronoun confusion causes a player disqualification

Pokémon TCG: Preferred pronoun confusion causes a player disqualification


Nervous laughter would have been the cause of a young Pokémon TCG player disqualification in the Cha...

news pronouns inclusivity pokémon tcg

MTG: Where to find MOM card Previews? Content creators take the lead!

MTG: Where to find MOM card Previews? Content creators take the lead!


March of the Machine previews are just around the corner! Check out here a when and where to find pr...

news previews mom

LoR for Beginners: Decks, Cheap options, ways to get better and the economy!

LoR for Beginners: Decks, Cheap options, ways to get better and the economy!


In this article, I'll suggest some decks for those taking their first steps in LoR and relate them t...

news competitive beginners

PreDH: The format that is conquering the heart of veteran Commander fans

PreDH: The format that is conquering the heart of veteran Commander fans


If you're a Commander fan that wished you could go back to the glory days and play just like before ...

news predh commander

Classic Constructed Deck Tech: Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

Classic Constructed Deck Tech: Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

Rafael de Melo

In today's article I bring Dash's Classic Constructed Deck Tech, showing its various game possibilit...

FaB Flesh and Blood Dash Classic Constructed

MTG: LotR and Commander Master Sets' prices baffle community

MTG: LotR and Commander Master Sets' prices baffle community


Amidst the various new releases and announcements, the details on the price tags of the Commander Ma...

news economy money cost mtg

Marvel Snap: Leaked April Season Pass, New Cards and a New Patch!

Marvel Snap: Leaked April Season Pass, New Cards and a New Patch!


The end of February brings even more news for all Marvel Snap fans. A new card is announced, a balan...

News new content datamine leak marvel snap

Commander Masters is MTG's August set: Cards, Precons, Boosters and Dates!

Commander Masters is MTG's August set: Cards, Precons, Boosters and Dates!


Wizards of the Coast announces details for another set, and this one is Commander themed: Commander ...

news commander commander masters product

Economy - Marvel Snap & Legends of Runeterra: What is the truth?

Economy - Marvel Snap & Legends of Runeterra: What is the truth?

Tony Lucas

In this article I talk about my experience with Marvel Snap, I talk about the "rivalry" between Snap...

OpiniãoSnap Economy LoR

Deck Guide: Mono Anivia: The Freljord Icy Queen came back at full force!

Deck Guide: Mono Anivia: The Freljord Icy Queen came back at full force!


Mono Anivia Control comes back at full force to the meta after the addition of a new card to its arc...

control Anivia lategame

MTGO: After security concerns, Wizards announces 2FA update

MTGO: After security concerns, Wizards announces 2FA update


February comes, and with it, MTGO's efforts roll out too to keep the game clean of bugs and, most im...

news update security hacking

Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Creates Origami Versions of Iconic Cards

Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Creates Origami Versions of Iconic Cards


True dedication and skill have moved this Yu-Gi-Oh! fan to build the most incredible paper creations...

curiosities yugioh origami

Best Staples for Blitz & Classic Constructed in Flesh and Blood

Best Staples for Blitz & Classic Constructed in Flesh and Blood

Rafael de Melo

In this article, I bring the most important cards of the Blitz and Classic Constructed formats, show...

Staples Flesh and Blood

Ethical Considerations of Gambling at Casinos

Ethical Considerations of Gambling at Casinos


Gambling at casinos requires consideration of ethical issues such as responsible gaming, age restric...

gamble ethic moral

How Online Gaming and Dating Help Single Moms Build Connections

How Online Gaming and Dating Help Single Moms Build Connections


Single moms can use online gaming and dating to build connections, meet new people, and create a sen...

mom single dating gaming

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