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Commoner: Format staples and their utilities

Commoner: Format staples and their utilities

Rafael de Melo

In today's article, I evaluate Commoner's best cards and their contributions to the format, examinin...

Fab Commoner Staples

A Guide to The Brothers' War Sealed Format

A Guide to The Brothers' War Sealed Format


A beginners' guide to The Brothers' War sealed format.

Limited Guide The Brothers' War

Everything about Competitive tourneys in LoR and how to play them

Everything about Competitive tourneys in LoR and how to play them


In this article, I will list the main existing Legends of Runeterra competitive tourneys and all the...

competitive tourneys worlds

Blitz Deck Tech: Arakni - Assassin

Blitz Deck Tech: Arakni - Assassin


In today's article, we present an aggressive list with Arakni, the new hero released on Dynasty, sho...

Arakni Deck Tech Blitz Dynasty

6 Decks to Play from the Darkin Saga: World Ender Expansion!

6 Decks to Play from the Darkin Saga: World Ender Expansion!

Tony Lucas

In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR: Aatrox, Kayle and Ryze!

competitive decks

Pioneer: 5 Competitive Decks to Start Out in the Format

Pioneer: 5 Competitive Decks to Start Out in the Format

Pacto das Guildas

Pioneer is a very fun and diverse format, and also stars in the competitive circuit that leads to Pr...

Pioneer Competitive Guide

March of the Lich King: Interview with Blizzard's devs

March of the Lich King: Interview with Blizzard's devs


Cards Realm was one of the guests invited to take part in an interview with the March of the Lich Ki...

interview hearthstone Death Knight

Top 5: Best Marvel Snap Pool 2 decks

Top 5: Best Marvel Snap Pool 2 decks

Tony Lucas

In this article you'll find out which are the best decks to guarantee cubes with cards from Pool 2!

competitive ranking Pool 2

Pokémon TCG: Top 10 Best Pokémon Abilities

Pokémon TCG: Top 10 Best Pokémon Abilities

Rodrigo William

Check out the Top 10 Pokemon abilities from the franchise that marked my game experience, besides ha...

PokemonTCG Abilities

Quiz: Which Secret Lair Product fits you best?

Quiz: Which Secret Lair Product fits you best?

Nat Almeida

The Secret Lair sets brings some of the most beautiful and funny Magic products. Come find out which...

magic secret lair collection

Tribal Wars Commander: Rules and How it Works

Tribal Wars Commander: Rules and How it Works


Here is a summary of the shared ideas from many groups of people who are simply escaping the standar...

tribal spelltable commander

Pokémon TCG: Top 10 Best Item Cards

Pokémon TCG: Top 10 Best Item Cards

Rodrigo William

Follow a top 10 Item type cards from the franchise that marked my experience with the game and have ...

Pokémon TCG Top 10 Item

Blitz Deck Tech: Chane - Shadow Runeblade

Blitz Deck Tech: Chane - Shadow Runeblade


In today's article, we present a Blitz Deck Tech for Chane, a Shadow Runeblade who uses the banished...

Chane Blitz Deck Tech

Blitz Deck Tech: Levia, Shadow Brute

Blitz Deck Tech: Levia, Shadow Brute

Cynthia Proença

Levia mixes the aggressiveness of Brute cards with Shadow versatility for explosive turns! a deck te...

Fabtcg Levia Blitz Deck Tech

About Magic Burnout, Bank of America and our relationship with the game

About Magic Burnout, Bank of America and our relationship with the game


Bank of America's report highlighted the weariness and frustration that a portion of the community h...

Opinion Magic Burnout Bank of America

Standard: Five reasons for its Tabletop demise

Standard: Five reasons for its Tabletop demise


The frequency of tabletop Standard games has dropped dramatically in the post-pandemic world. In thi...

Standard Arena

Incredible Benefits of Online Gambling

Incredible Benefits of Online Gambling


Here we list some benefits of Online Gambling like having a better game selection and not being rest...

benefit gamble

The Best CS:GO Websites With Free Credits

The Best CS:GO Websites With Free Credits


We've done our homework and compiled a list of the best CS:GO websites offering free credits. Let’s ...

csgo cases gamble

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