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Pedro Fernandes
In today's article, we will bring the Hearthstone rotation, where the 2020 (Year of the Phoenix) car...
standard voyage to the sunkey city legend
In today's article, I'll bring you some tips that many beginners, and even veterans, don't know abou...
tips hs decks hs arcane dus legend hs
Felipe Torres
A set of tips and experiences gained over time to perform better in Commander tournaments.
edh commander tournaments
Vinicius Sorin
Wanna build a Commander deck from scratch but don't know where to start? I am here to help!
commander edh deckbuilding
Learn how to invest your resources in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, create your first deck and start in fron...
yugioh master duel guide
Recently, Hearthstone has innovated bringing new features for the best experience, in addition to ot...
hs 2022 introduction
Starting in 2022, Daybreak Games will be on charge of Magic Online's development and publishing. The...
news mtgo daybreak wizards
Eduardo Silveira
Meet Katilda, Dawnhart Prime, a human-based tribal toolbox deck, utilizing our commander's ability t...
edh humans tribal
A new season has started in Penny Dreadful, and in this article, we'll see what left from the previo...
online budget penny
The MTGMelee platform accidentally made the lists available during this Tuesday morning, three days ...
news worlds magic
Sixteen players from around the world will compete between October 8th and 10th for the title of Wor...
world magic news
Thiago NileDeath
We'll talk about updated lists with Jumpstart that are being used and have the potential to become e...
historic jumpstart decklists
Today, we will analyze the Bant Party, deck that has been doing great results in Standard 2022 and t...
analysis decks standard2022 arena
In addition to the new partnerships, updates were also announced on other partnerships, such as Warh...
secretlair universesbeyond lord of the rings
With huge events taking place between September and December, Pauper will have a great end of the ye...
analysis tournament competitive Pauper
Historic Horizons comes out on August 12th, exclusively for the Magic Arena. Today, we review the ca...
analysis historic arena
We can finally see all cards with altered art or in anime style form from the Innistrad: Midnight Hu...
alter cards
We can finally see all cards with altered art or in anime style form from the Kamigawa Neon Dynasty ...
arter art art alter