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Boros Pia is the newest variant of Pioneer's Aggro decks, and mixes elements of the old Boros Burn w...
Pia Nalaar Pioneer Deck Guide
The One Ring is already a reality in Modern, but is now starting to exert its influence on Legacy as...
Legacy One Ring Combo Deck Guide
This article is a comprehensive guide to Pauper Jeskai Affinity, featuring a deck tech and sideboard...
pauper affinity lotr
When you put a combo, with another combo, with a third combo, full of discards, ramp and cards to hi...
Legacy Deck Guide Mono Black
Pacto das Guildas
Standard is a format full of midranges and aggro strategies, and for a long time, a real control dec...
Standard Esper Control Deck Guide
This article provides a comprehensive guide to Pauper: Monster Tron, including deck tech, sideboard ...
pauper Monster Tron Sideboard Guide LOTR
Pioneer is a format that has powerful combos like Lotus Field and Greasefang. More recently, the for...
Pioneer Deck Guide Rona Combo
The Riders of Rohan have arrived in Legacy! In the name of the Monarch, they will take the Initiativ...
Legacy boros initiative eorlingas lotr
In today's article, we present a guide to Pioneer's new combo deck, Grixis Archfiend!
Pioneer Deck Guide Archfiend Combo
The Archfiend Alteration is a new archetype that appeared this weekend, at the Regional Championship...
Archfiend Alteration Explorer Deck Guide
This article provides a comprehensive guide to Poison Storm. It includes deck tech, sideboard strate...
Pauper guide
Boros Convoke was Pioneer's big trend this week. In today's article, we analyze the deck and present...
Boros Convoke Deck Guide Pioneer
A comprehensive guide to Jeskai Affinity Pauper, providing a detailed overview of the deck, tech cho...
Pauper Affinity Jeskai Artifact
Cards Realm
A thrilling article about how to gain power in the popular game Call of Dragons. Learn tips and tric...
Board Games cards games video game dragon
Sultai Shadow is a new variant of Death's Shadow decks in Modern, and looks to take advantage of Inv...
Shadow Sultai Modern Deck Guide
Lesbian online dating is the perfect way to find a special someone for a game night. Get ready to ha...
board game lesbian dating online romance
This article explores how online dating and gaming can be empowering tools for transgender individua...
board game transgender dating online romance
Two of the most valuable Pokémon cards to buy today are Charizard and Blastoise. They feature powerf...
Board Games cards games video game