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Magic: the Gathering
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Flesh and Blood
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Expressive Iteration and Winota, Joiner of Forces cards were banned in two formats: Pioneer and Expl...
explorer pioneer winota
Barba do Rafa
Riot finally revealed to us more information about Tibbers, and surprisingly it has a connection to ...
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Raphael Martinez
We'll talk in detail about a deck that returns to Pioneer after major additions from the new sets, ...
pioneer mono green deck tech sideboard
Do you think you know League of Legends well? Then take this quiz and test your knowledge.
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Tony Lucas
Though some units have their names written in their cards, not all of them do. In this article you w...
curiosities units lor
Felipe Torres
This article brings a midrange Kess, Dissident Mage decklist without Reserved List cards.
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Renato Castro
Love them or hate them, they are still there and can be great tools. Want to learn more about alignm...
rpg alignments d&d guide
In today's article, I present a budget version of Mono Red Aggro in Explorer, with tips on how to pi...
explorer arena mono red budget
Eduardo Silveira
Find out how much you know about Commander on this new quiz!
edh quiz commander
Mono Blue Tempo was once one of the most famous decks in Standard. Is it possible that a version wit...
explorer mono blue deck tech
In today's article, I present in my guide everything you need to know about Naya Winota, which is po...
explorer winota deck guide naya
We will talk in detail about Mono-Red Burn, an aggro deck that gained great prominence in the format...
Pioneer burn Mono Red Deck Tech
Capitão Serket
The No Champion Burn Deck is the cheapest competitive deck in the game. Fast and aggressive, it's al...
LoR Burn Budget Competitive
We'll talk about Pioneer's Naya Winota, an aggro deck that has been gaining more and more space in t...
Pioneer winota deck tech sideboard
This will be your new go-to guide if you’re looking for the best web casino platform in Canada
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We have made a list of seven games Canadians enjoy on the PlayAmo Casino site from our review
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This article will learn why some of the most played online casino games are at the top of the list. ...
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If you’re looking for online casino games with cards and want to try something new, what options sho...
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