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Standard ONE: 5 Decks to play the Best of One

Standard ONE: 5 Decks to play the Best of One


In today's article, I present five Standard decks for you to explore in Magic Arena's Best of One!

Best of One Standard Metagame

Metagame - Phyrexia: All Will be One in the Competitive Formats

Metagame - Phyrexia: All Will be One in the Competitive Formats


In today's article, I analyze how much Phyrexia: All Will be One affected competitive formats and wh...

Metagame Phyrexia Review

LoR Competitive Update: Prize Pool, New Formats, and a New Path to Worlds!

LoR Competitive Update: Prize Pool, New Formats, and a New Path to Worlds!


A prize pool of $10,000, new formats for competitive events, a new point system for the World Champi...

news lor competitive worlds

Pioneer: Izzet Creativity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pioneer: Izzet Creativity Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Izzet Creativity is the new Combo-Control that rose to prominence after Reid Duke won Pro Tour Phyre...

Pioneer Izzet Creativity Pro Tour

Standard: Scarlet & Violet Decks to play for Rotation in 2023

Standard: Scarlet & Violet Decks to play for Rotation in 2023

Rodrigo William

Check out in this article decks to play after the 2023 rotation, with the validation of "E" cards on...

PokémonTCG Rotation Decks

LoR for Beginners: Decks, Cheap options, ways to get better and the economy!

LoR for Beginners: Decks, Cheap options, ways to get better and the economy!


In this article, I'll suggest some decks for those taking their first steps in LoR and relate them t...

news competitive beginners

Singleton: Building Guide + Top 3 decks for Runeterra Rumbles and Opens!

Singleton: Building Guide + Top 3 decks for Runeterra Rumbles and Opens!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the Singleton format, which will be played in the next Daily Rumbles ...

guide news singleton competitive

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Charlotte: Top 8 + Decks

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Charlotte: Top 8 + Decks


The latest development in competitive play for Flesh and Blood, the Battle Hardened: Charlotte, evol...

news fab charlotte tournament competitive

LoR for Hearthstone Refugees - Mechanics and Competitive Tools

LoR for Hearthstone Refugees - Mechanics and Competitive Tools

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

This article is a Part 2 in the series that welcomes Refugees from other TCGs who are interested in ...


Pokémon Day: Classic TCG set, World Championship, New Netflix show and more!

Pokémon Day: Classic TCG set, World Championship, New Netflix show and more!


Pokémon Day is here, and with it, there are new announcements and updates to numerous Pokémon titles...

news pokémon netflix tcg competitive

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Auckland: Top 8 + Decks

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Auckland: Top 8 + Decks


The competitive circuit carries on, and Auckland's Calling, in New Zealand, brings a new aspect to t...

news fabtcg aucklan tournament competitive

MTG: Pro Tour Phyrexia Recap (Decklists, Standings and more!)

MTG: Pro Tour Phyrexia Recap (Decklists, Standings and more!)


The Phyrexia Pro Tour happened over this weekend, from the 17th to the 19th, in Philadelphia! 217 pl...

news pro tour competitive pioneer

FaB's Premier Play : Complete 2023 Competitive Schedule (So far)

FaB's Premier Play : Complete 2023 Competitive Schedule (So far)


The new Premier Play Announcement is here, and with it, a new updated calendar for all Flesh and Blo...

news competitive fab schedule

Marvel Snap's Biggest Tourney: Top 8 Decklists, Format and Future Editions

Marvel Snap's Biggest Tourney: Top 8 Decklists, Format and Future Editions


Marvel Snap biggest tournament to date happened this past weekend! The community-led initiative gath...

news competitive marvel snap top 8

Pauper: 5 Decks to face the 2023's Metagame

Pauper: 5 Decks to face the 2023's Metagame

Pacto das Guildas

In this article, we discuss five decks that are on the rise against Pauper's current Metagame!

Pauper Decks Metagame

Legends of Runeterra's first Master player of the season is Grandparoji!

Legends of Runeterra's first Master player of the season is Grandparoji!


The player used a very interesting list to reach the rank of Master for this season! Check out the f...

news competitive ranked

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023


Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...

news standard eternal competitive

New Game Modes in LoR: Unlimited and Free Decks to Discover!

New Game Modes in LoR: Unlimited and Free Decks to Discover!

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

The Daily Rumbles will break the game's deckbuilding rules, allowing very different decks. Here you ...

competitive lor decks news

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