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Dogs of War Review - A battle game that will test your loyalty

Dogs of War Review - A battle game that will test your loyalty

Cesar Cusin

Dogs of War is my number 1 board game, simple as that, and that will prove assertive during this rev...

dogs of war board game CMON

Budget Commander - Kalain, Reclusive Painter

Budget Commander - Kalain, Reclusive Painter

Eduardo Silveira

Rakdos' performances are dramatic, violent and disturbing. Kalain has a thrilling ending in this sac...

edh commander budget d&d

Historic Set Review: JumpStart Historic Horizons

Historic Set Review: JumpStart Historic Horizons


Historic Horizons comes out on August 12th, exclusively for the Magic Arena. Today, we review the ca...

analysis historic arena

Magic Arena, Hearthstone or Runeterra, which one is better?

Magic Arena, Hearthstone or Runeterra, which one is better?


Looking for a new card game or thinking about moving to another one? In this article, Exylem analyze...

opinion analysis mtg runeterra hearthstone

Budget Commander - Trelasarra, Moon Dancer

Budget Commander - Trelasarra, Moon Dancer

Eduardo Silveira

Trelasarra, Moon Dancer is a commander with great potential to dictate the pace of the game, establi...

edh commander budget d&d

Analysing the Commander Decks from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Analysing the Commander Decks from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Felipe Torres

This article brings an anlysis regarding the preconstructed Commander decks from Adventures in the F...

d&d commander edh

Historic Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Historic Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Thiago NileDeath

Today's article analyzes Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and its impact in Historic.

historic review arena d&d

Top 5 Modern cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Top 5 Modern cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Pedro Braga

Take a look at the best new cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for your Modern deck!

modern afr review d&d

Legacy Set Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

Legacy Set Review: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms

João Carvalho

In today's article, we are going to discuss some cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms that ...

review AFR legacy MTG joaocarvalho

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pioneer Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pioneer Review


In today's article, I analyze Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for Pioneer.

pioneer review d&d

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander Review

Felipe Torres

Today I present you my review of the most powerful and curious cards from Adventures in the Forgotte...

review edh d&d commander

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Standard Review

Thiago NileDeath

Today's article analyzes the cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms for Standard!

standard arena d&d review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pauper Review

Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Pauper Review


Analysing the new cards from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and its possibilities for Pauper.

analysis d&d pauper review

Colt SUPER Express review: Chaotic, quick and fun!

Colt SUPER Express review: Chaotic, quick and fun!

Antônio Laerte

A dynamic party game, full of interactions and about a train assault? That's Colt!

party fun board games

Budget Commander Deck - Bruenor Battlehamer

Budget Commander Deck - Bruenor Battlehamer

Eduardo Silveira

Today we'll venture into a deck with plenty of potential to be quick and aggressive, featuring one o...

edh commander budget d&d

Review of Summoner Wars - A love letter to the ex

Review of Summoner Wars - A love letter to the ex

Roberto Pinheiro

Summon units to defeat your opponent in a card game that combines somewhat tight tactical combat, in...

boardgame cardgame dices 1x1 2players

Good Morning Magic releases previews from Forgotten Realms' Commander Decks!

Good Morning Magic releases previews from Forgotten Realms' Commander Decks!


The Good Morning Magic show introduced the four Commander Deck commanders and some abilities we'll s...

news commander d&d

Munchkin Review: Kill monsters, steal treasures and stab your friends!

Munchkin Review: Kill monsters, steal treasures and stab your friends!


Fun, healthy and totally fair, Munchkin brings RPG characteristics with a different approach!

munchkin multiplayer

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