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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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Rodrigo William
Meet Dewgong, a cheap Single Prize deck that can deal up to 440 damage!
Standard Dewgong
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
With the Domination Expansion we have three new champions for Legends of Runeterra: Varus, Seraphine...
domination expansion lor Darkin
The Meathook Massacre has been banned from Standard, but will its absence be enough to end the Midra...
Ban Standard Metagame
Meet one of the water decks that can be interesting for the current format with high resources aimed...
standard Kyurem Deck tech
Felipe Torres
A selection of the strongest Unfinity cards that can appear in cEDH decks.
cEDH Unfinity
The Meathook Massacre is banned on Standard and Yorion, Sky Noma is banned on Modern
standard modern bans
Meet Empoleon V, from Battle Styles, combined with Hisuian Goodra "baby" from Lost Origin, inhibitin...
PokémonTCG Standard Empoleon
Get to know the metallic wall of the Galarian Wolves alongside Hisuian Goodra, generating tons os va...
Standard Galarian Wolfs
Pedro Fernandes
Check out the 4 best decks to get Legend after the release of Maw and Disorder, which changed the Me...
Standard Legend Hearthstone Decks
Meet Clefairy's cheap deck with damage stacking for every psychic energy attached in the entire boar...
Standard Clefairy Wyrderr
A top 8 of the strongest cards in the Warhammer 40k decks for Competitive Commander, with comments o...
EDH Commander Warhammer
Meet the rework of Dragapult VMax with the release of Sableye from Lost Origin, which modified the d...
Standard Dragapult Sableye
Tabata Marques
To celebrate 30 years of the game, I've put together 30 reasons to play Magic!
Game Lore Reasons
Versatile and responsive Aerodactyl VStar deck with its multiple facets of direct damage and spreads...
Standard Aerodactyl
The court is in session! The Cards Realm jury will judge the 35 cards from the Maw and Disorder mini...
Hearthstone Review Mini Set
Unfinity brings some news to Pauper Commander, like never-seen before abilities!
Pauper Commander PDH Unfinity
We will address a deck focused on Ditto copying Spiritomb's attacks, being able to reach 280 damage ...
Standard Ditto Spiritomb
In this article, we assess Spiritomb's potential along with Galarian Moltres!
Standard Moltres Spiritomb