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Magic: the Gathering
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Flesh and Blood
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André Marcus
Clear up all your questions about game mechanics and interaction rules, including the most advanced!
tutorial tips rules mechanics questions
Here is a summary of the shared ideas from many groups of people who are simply escaping the standar...
tribal spelltable commander
Antonio Carlos
Today, the judge Antonio Faillace presents the most recurring questions that he saw during Kamigawa:...
judge rules kamigawa
Coup is a wonderful game with plenty of bluffs and strategies!
board games tabletop coup
In this article, we talk about some rulings and mechanics from the new set, Innistrad: Crimson Vow!
rules judge innistrad keywords
In today's article, I talk about the keywords and rulings of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt!
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In this Article, we talk about the new exclusive keywords for Magic Arena's latest set: JumpStart - ...
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In this article, I explain the Legends of Runeterra tournament formats and also present to you an am...
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Today, I explain the new tournament rules changes, with two important topics: Rolling dices and usin...
rules tournament judge
In this article, I'll talk about the rulings for altered cards and proxies on sanctioned events.
judge rules proxy alter
In this article, the judge Antonio Faillace talks about some interesting interactions with Modern Ho...
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Natural resources, imposing armies, scientific evolutions and incessant commercial exchanges. Build ...
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Cthulhu, Catulhu, Clutulu, Cleiton... He's on the prowl ready to emerge and dominate everyone and ev...