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Pacto das Guildas
In today's article, I'll discuss five competitive, upgraded, Explorer decks so you can start playing...
Explorer Pioneer Guide
In today's article, I'll discuss five competitive Pauper decks that are updated to play this format ...
Pauper Decks 2024
The next Magic: The Gathering set, Murders at Karlov Manor, will bring us back to Ravnica. Wizards o...
Pauper Ravnica Highlight
In today's article, I bring one of the most fun Control deck options available in Standard: Bant Con...
Standard DeckTech Sideguide
Lost Caverns of Ixalan brought interesting changes to Standard. In today's article, I'll discuss fiv...
Standard Decklist Ixalan LCI
Izzet Phoenix has returned to the top of the Pioneer metagame as one of the best decks at the moment...
Pioneer Deck Tech Side Guide
The newest Standard set will be released on November 17th, and will bring us back to Ixalan, with ne...
Standard Ixalan Review
Lost Caverns of Ixalan is Magic: The Gathering's new set, and, during spoiler season, many interesti...
Pioneer Standard Preview Ixalan
Unstable Glyphbridge is another card revealed in The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, the next Magic: The Gat...
standard pioneer ixalan
Mono-Green Tron is one of the best decks in Modern, and it got a lot of spotlight in July this year ...
modern decktech sideguide
The Lost Caverns of Ixalan is the next set coming to Standard, and Cavern of Souls will get a reprin...
Reprint Ixalan Standard Pioneer Explorer
A new metagame is forming in Standard after the arrival of Wilds of Eldraine. In today's article, I'...
DeckTech Standard Sideguide
The 29th Magic World Championship started this weekend. In today's article, I'll analyze this compet...
mtgworlds standard analysis
In today's article, I'll discuss five Pauper decks upgraded with the new cards from Wilds of Eldrain...
Pauper WOE Competitive
Wilds of Eldraine is here. In today's article, I bring five lists for the Standard format with the n...
Standard WOE
Wilds of Eldraine comes in soon and should impact constructed formats, particularly Standard. In tod...
WOE Review Standard
With the end of the Wilds of Eldraine previews, we can already gauge what the set intends to bring u...
Pauper Preview WOE
Continuing with the Wilds of Eldraine's previews, in today's article I decided to talk about Up the ...
Standard Pioneer Modern