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Upgrading Commander Precon: Cavalry Charge (Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir)

Upgrading Commander Precon: Cavalry Charge (Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir)

Eduardo Silveira

A review of March of the Machine's Commander deck, Cavalry Charge, alongside a guide on how to upgra...

EDH CavalryCharge Upgrades Commander

Exclusive Johannes Voss Playmats return: All Designs revealed!

Exclusive Johannes Voss Playmats return: All Designs revealed!


The outstanding partnership has returned, bringing five more exclusive designs for playmats, all mad...

news playmat art mtg illustration

About the new April 18th Balance Patch: Marvel Snap Review

About the new April 18th Balance Patch: Marvel Snap Review

Tony Lucas

Fair and accurate changes mark the patch. How is the meta from now on? Check it out in this review!

Analysis Patch April 18

March of the Machine: Feedback from MaRo and Gavin's Teasers!

March of the Machine: Feedback from MaRo and Gavin's Teasers!


Which variant of an ability has returned? What plan came reference from an iconic creature from Alph...

Feedback Tips MOM

Yu-Gi-Oh! 2023 World Championship details: Dates, Locations & Formats here!

Yu-Gi-Oh! 2023 World Championship details: Dates, Locations & Formats here!


After a 4-year hiatus, the iconic competition and celebration of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise comes back ...

news competitive yugioh master duel

MTG: Where to find the Anime-Style MOM Tokens

MTG: Where to find the Anime-Style MOM Tokens


Now it's March of the Machine tokens that get exclusive Anime-Style versions! Check out here where d...

news exclusive anime tokens mom

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened Richmond: Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened Richmond: Top 8 and Decks


Flesh and Blood's Battle Hardened: Richmond was the last chance for competitive players to secure th...

news competitive flesh and blood

Runeterra Open: How I got to Top 16 playing Aatrox Bilgewater

Runeterra Open: How I got to Top 16 playing Aatrox Bilgewater

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, I'll tell my story of how I got to Top 16 in the Runeterra Open April 15th and 16th...

report open meta competitive

Pokémon EUIC 2023 might have been the biggest competitive event ever!

Pokémon EUIC 2023 might have been the biggest competitive event ever!


The record for highest number of attendees in Pokémon history might have been broken! The Pokémon Eu...

news pokémontcg tournament competitive

Quiz: Which Planeswalker of the Resistance against Phyrexia would you be?

Quiz: Which Planeswalker of the Resistance against Phyrexia would you be?


Let's save our planes! Which of the planeswalkers of the resistance against Phyrexia would you be? T...

Quiz Phyrexia

Legacy Set Review: March of the Machine

Legacy Set Review: March of the Machine


The March of the Machines has begun! Let's take a look at what this expansion and its Battles bring ...

Legacy Review March of the Machine MTGMOM

Marvel Snap: the Best datamined unreleased cards from Pool 5

Marvel Snap: the Best datamined unreleased cards from Pool 5

Tony Lucas

In this article, you get a glimpse of what's to come in future card releases in the game and how exc...

Leaks New Cards

Upgrading the Commander Precon: Divine Convocation (Kasla, The Broken Halo)

Upgrading the Commander Precon: Divine Convocation (Kasla, The Broken Halo)

Gabriel Almeida

A review and upgrade guide from March of the Machine's Divine Convocation precon deck, featuring the...

Upgrade Commander Divine Convocation Kasla

LoR: Lineup Guide for the Runeterra Open on 15/04

LoR: Lineup Guide for the Runeterra Open on 15/04

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you'll learn everything about the Runeterra Open competitive meta for this weekend,...

guide lineup competitive open

Snap 5 Decks to reach Infinite Rank! (April /2023)

Snap 5 Decks to reach Infinite Rank! (April /2023)

Tony Lucas

For the first time, I reached the highest Marvel Snap ranking, and I'm going to share the decks I us...

Competitive Marvel Snap Infinite Rank

How to Use VPNs by Musicians and Other Creatives to Protect Their Intellectual Property

How to Use VPNs by Musicians and Other Creatives to Protect Their Intellectual Property


Musicians and other creatives can use VPNs to protect their intellectual property. This article prov...

vpn musicians intelectual property

VPNs and iPhone Public Wi-Fi: Staying Safe While Accessing Public Wi-Fi

VPNs and iPhone Public Wi-Fi: Staying Safe While Accessing Public Wi-Fi


Article looks at how to use a VPN to protect data while utilizing public Wi-Fi on an iPhone. Learn h...

vpn iphone wi-fi

ベラジョンカジノ: A Real Online Casino Experience

ベラジョンカジノ: A Real Online Casino Experience


At ベラジョンカジノ, Enjoy a genuinely immersive online casino experience with fair, safe, and transparent g...

casino real review

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