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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Wizards has announced new bans on Legacy, but who wins and who loses with these changes?
Legacy Bans Delver Initiative
For International Women’s Day, we conducted and compiled a series of interviews with influent women ...
women representation lor
Tony Lucas
3 new cards are now part of Pool 5 and in this article I'm going to analyze which ones are worth buy...
Review Pool 5 March 2023
In this article, I review Nimrod, his weaknesses and strengths, and bring the best decks with him to...
Review Nimrod Marvel Snap
Pedro Fernandes
Fortnite always captivates its players with events and famous skins from around the world. Check out...
Celebrities Skins Fortnite
Nat Almeida
Who doesn't like the feeling of opening a booster pack and finding a mythic card, foil, or alternate...
Collector Boosters Products Review
Which of the new bundles is better? That's what you'll find out in this article!
Bundles Analysis
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll analyze together Patch 4.2.0 and understand how the new changes affect the me...
Analysis opinion
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the five best decks of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in February/March 2023 format. C...
Yu-gi-Oh! Best Decks February 2023
Modern was forever changed with the Horizon sets. Since then, players fear seeing their decks invali...
Modern Horizons Decks
ZA/UM Studio developed the independent role-playing game Disco Elysium. Disco Elysium was a hit, eve...
Disco Elysium elysium play
Casino carpets are notorious for their gaudy designs and colors. This article explores the possible ...
carpet casino ugly
With the advancement of technology, online casinos offer convenience and accessibility that traditio...
win tips online big
The secret to finding the best online casino site may seem like something other than one that would ...
secret finding best
This article explores the evolution of card games, from their origins in paper form to their current...
history card games paper screen
Here we will show 3 games that are still played in casinos online and you should know about them!
card casino games
Not sure what to play? Then we're ready to give you our list of the top 5 most widespread types of o...
australia casino games popular
Online casinos are popular among gambling enthusiasts because they offer convenience, accessibility,...
Secrets casino inside