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Not exactly control or tempo, Esper Midrange has performed really well in tournaments recently, play...
legacy deck tech midrange esper
In this article, we delve into the Midrange version of Boros Tokens, a deck that runs Caretaker's Ta...
Standard Boros Midrange Deck Guide
Pacto das Guildas
Golgari Midrange is one of the best decks in Standard, and really stands out among other midrange de...
Standard DeckTech Competitive Sideguide
Grixis Midrange was one of the best decks in Standard last year, but, since then, its popularity wen...
Standard DeckTech SideGuide Competitive
In today's article, we delve into Pioneer's Mono Black Midrange, which gives up a second color in fa...
Pioneer Mono Black Midrange Deck Guide
As Murders at Karlov Manor is coming soon, in today's article I'll bring you one of the best Standar...
Standard DeckTech SideGuide
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the latest most popular deck in the entire game: Jack Sett - the new ...
guide jack sett midrange lor
Fernando "Finkel"
This is a guide for those who want to play the best Midrange BG style using Sméagol in the command z...
edh DeckTech BGSmeagol lotr
Dimir Midrange is the current best deck in Standard, combining several efficient means of getting va...
Dimir Midrange Standard Deck Guide
Combining Chrome Host Seedshark and Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh with the most solid threats and answ...
Learn more about Grixis Midrange, one of the strongest decks in Standard today. Learn how the list ...
Standard Grixis Midrange Deck Guide
Raphael Martinez
We will talk about the Gruul Midrange or Gruul Vehicles, trying to understand which are the best gam...
Pioneer Gruul Deck Guide
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
Ashe Leblanc is a classic deck that remains relevant. It is quite strong against a big portion of th...
lor guide midrange
Mono Black Midrange was one of Standard's most famous decks, but could it stay competitive without T...
Standard Mono Black Deck Guide
Come discover a way to play Gwen using the same old Freljord veterans, in a quite aggressive Midrang...
guide midrange competitive sejuani
Rakdos Midrange is at the top of Explorer today and proposes a fair play that adapts to any situatio...
explorer arena deck guide rakdos
Jund Midrange is a versatile option in the current Metagame. Find out how this deck works and its ad...
standard jund deck guide
Capitão Serket
Sion/Rumble is a Midrange list which can deal easily with control lists. So, if removal is popular, ...
competitive Mechas Midrange