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Banlist update at the end of the month means a month of theories! This time, there's no clear target...
Legacy Ban Unban Speculation
In this article, we revisit Pauper's banned list to assess which cards could be unbanned from the fo...
Pauper Banlist Unbans
In this article, we present the main highlights of Modern in its first wave of Challenges after the ...
Modern Unbans Metagame
The December 16th update removed Jegantha, The One Ring and Amped Raptor from Modern, Psychic Frog a...
noticia banlist modern legacy pioneer
Two days after the Smuggler's Copter unban announcement, Pioneer leagues are flooded with decks test...
Pioneer Unban Copter Metagame
The Pauper Format Panel asking public opinion before deciding to ban or unban cards sets a dangerous...
Pauper Bans PFP
On August 7th, 2023, Wizards announced the changes in Legacy: No bannings. Mind's Desire unbanned. W...
Legacy desire unban
Modern's Banlist has cards that have been there for over a decade. In this article, I present six ca...
Modern banlist analysis