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Pokémon TCG: Everything about the Standard format

Pokémon TCG: Everything about the Standard format

Rodrigo William

Check out everything about Pokémon-V mechanics in general, how to build a deck, number of cards that...

standard format guide

Forces from Beyond: 10 new decks that are worth trying out

Forces from Beyond: 10 new decks that are worth trying out


Check out 10 new decks with the new Legends of Runeterra champions.

gwen evelynn kai’sa lor forcesfrombeyond deck

Magic Arena: Historic Anthology 6 Review

Magic Arena: Historic Anthology 6 Review


Is it worth buying the sixth bundle in the Historic Anthology series? In this article, we look at th...

review historic anthology arena

Magic Arena: Explorer Anthology 1 Review

Magic Arena: Explorer Anthology 1 Review


After all, is it worth buying the first Explorer Anthology bundle? In this article, we look at the c...

explorer anthology review

Pokémon TCG: Standard Ambipom Deck Tech

Pokémon TCG: Standard Ambipom Deck Tech

Rodrigo William

Meet this Ambipom deck, from the Pokémon GO expansion, where it can make opponents furious with its ...

pokemonTCG ambipom deck tech

Gwen: 5 Best Decks to Play with this Champion!

Gwen: 5 Best Decks to Play with this Champion!

Tony Lucas

Shred your enemy’s nexus with the seamstress’ scissors! In this article, I present 5 great options o...

competitive Gwen Decks

Standard: Decks that might survive the Rotation

Standard: Decks that might survive the Rotation


Dominaria United is approaching, as is the new season. In this article, I present five decks that wi...

standard rotation decks

Pauper: Everything we know about Gates (so far)!

Pauper: Everything we know about Gates (so far)!


The Gates have become the new trend in Pauper. In this article, I analyze which strategies this comb...

Gates Pauper Analysis

Lunatone & Solrock Deck Tech: A cheap PTCG Go Deck!

Lunatone & Solrock Deck Tech: A cheap PTCG Go Deck!

Rodrigo William

Get to know this super cheap and accessible deck for all audiences, especially beginners, who want t...

solrock lunatone pokemonGO

Kai'sa, Gwen and Evelynn: First Impressions

Kai'sa, Gwen and Evelynn: First Impressions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the new expansion Forces From Beyond, we'll have three new champions coming: Kai'sa, Gwen and E...

expansion impressions forces from beyond

Explorer: Jund Food Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Jund Food Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Jund Food has several micro-interactions that allow it to play on top of other Midranges while being...

explorer deck guide jund food sacrifice

Deck Tech: Mewtwo V-Union Control - Surprised at the International!

Deck Tech: Mewtwo V-Union Control - Surprised at the International!

Rodrigo William

Follow this wonderful deck that gained great prominence at the International USA championship in Jun...

Standard mewtwo V-Union Deck Guide

RPG: Best game themes for Beginners

RPG: Best game themes for Beginners

Leandro Lopes

This article seeks to solve a great doubt of beginner players and present ways to familiarize themse...

RPG Beginners

Arceus VStar / Flying Pikachu VMax Deck Tech: International Champion

Arceus VStar / Flying Pikachu VMax Deck Tech: International Champion

Rodrigo William

Meet the deck that became champion at the June 2022 International in the United States, created by A...

Champion International 2022 Standard

Standard Deck Tech: Centiskorch Deck Out

Standard Deck Tech: Centiskorch Deck Out

Rodrigo William

Discover this unique post-Pokemon GO deck with the attacker Centiskorch (from Sword/Shield), and be ...

standard centiskorch deck tech

Magic Arena: A Guide to the Main Formats!

Magic Arena: A Guide to the Main Formats!


In this article, I present the main Magic Arena formats, their rules and what are the pros and cons ...

magic arena formats guide

Explorer: Rakdos Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Explorer: Rakdos Midrange Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


Rakdos Midrange is at the top of Explorer today and proposes a fair play that adapts to any situatio...

explorer arena deck guide rakdos

25 Best-Selling Video Games

25 Best-Selling Video Games


Over the years of video game creation, users preferred certain types of games. We will list the most...

video games selling best

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