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Pedro Braga
Dominaria United, brings us wonderful cards for the Modern format. In today's article, we list them...
Modern dominaria united top 5
Rodrigo William
Everything about the new "ex" card mechanics that were unveiled at the London World Cup, which will ...
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Felipe Torres
A selection of the best cards in Dominaria United for Competitive Commander and how they can impact ...
Top 10 cEDH Dominaria United
Dominaria United brings some powerful options to Pioneer, some with the potential to significantly i...
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Here are 10 most valuable Shiny Pokémon cards so far in 2022, since the beginnings of Pokémon expans...
Pokémon shiny top 10
See here the somewhat exotic idea of building a themed deck only with Charizards released in the Swo...
Standard Charizard
Dominaria United might not be the most impactful set for Pauper, but it definitely brings many usefu...
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See the most valued Full Art cards to date in 2022, ahead of the Lost Origin expansion's release.
PokémonTCG value
In this Commander article, we talk about Magic's most popular archetype, Burn!
Commander burn EDH
Tony Lucas
With the arrival of LoR's first exclusive champion, a sea of possibilities has opened up. In this ar...
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Diego "Notorius"
Check out a list of the best staple cards right now to use and play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest level.
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Temporary Lockdown is one of the most powerful cards revealed in Dominaria United so far, and it has...
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Watch the powerful and destructive Radiant Charizard in all of its splendor, dealing an incredible 2...
Pokémon TCG standard deck tech
Wizards Presents was the big event that announced the 2023 releases and sets. In this article, we an...
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Come check out the list of this Pokémon with great potential since its launch in Shining Fates and t...
Pokémon Standard Reshiram Deck
It goes without saying that both newbies and experienced gamblers are looking for the best online ga...
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Since there is no magic bullet that will magically improve your study skills, there are things you c...
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Since online casinos have become so popular in the last decade, many people wonder how they can maxi...
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