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Rummikub Review: A game where each round is a challenge!

Rummikub Review: A game where each round is a challenge!

Cesar Cusin

Exercise your brain in every round, strategy will be present in every move, and games will never be ...

rummikub review

Card Highlight: Temporary Lockdown on Eternal Formats

Card Highlight: Temporary Lockdown on Eternal Formats


Temporary Lockdown is one of the most powerful cards revealed in Dominaria United so far, and it has...

analysis dominaria card

Magic in 2023: Thoughts, analysis and speculations about Wizards Presents

Magic in 2023: Thoughts, analysis and speculations about Wizards Presents


Wizards Presents was the big event that announced the 2023 releases and sets. In this article, we an...

magic 2023 wizards presents opinion

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format


We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...

legacy 10 staples

Dominaria United Commander Precon Decklists

Dominaria United Commander Precon Decklists


The Dominaria United Commander / EDH precons feature 1 3-color commander and 1 5-color commander! Sh...

commander edh dominaria

Pauper: 3 Lessons the format taught me

Pauper: 3 Lessons the format taught me


In this article, I present three points about competitive Magic and deckbuilding that stand out in P...

analysis pauper lessons

Historic: Rakdos Death's Shadow Deck Tech (Best of One)

Historic: Rakdos Death's Shadow Deck Tech (Best of One)


Temur Battle Rage has arrived at Magic Arena. Could it be the missing piece to bring Death's Shadow ...

rakdos shadow historic

Anachronism Review: Epic battles beyond chronology!

Anachronism Review: Epic battles beyond chronology!

Cesar Cusin

Imagine Ramses II against Achilles, or Spartacus against Genghis Khan. This is only possible in Anac...

anachronism review board games

Magic Arena: Historic Anthology 6 Review

Magic Arena: Historic Anthology 6 Review


Is it worth buying the sixth bundle in the Historic Anthology series? In this article, we look at th...

review historic anthology arena

Draft Introduction - Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate

Draft Introduction - Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate


An introduction to Alchemy Horizons: Battle for Baldur's gate draft, with the best cards of each col...

draft guide alchemy arena

Gwen: 5 Best Decks to Play with this Champion!

Gwen: 5 Best Decks to Play with this Champion!

Tony Lucas

Shred your enemy’s nexus with the seamstress’ scissors! In this article, I present 5 great options o...

competitive Gwen Decks

Pokémon TCG Online: What it is and how to gain new cards

Pokémon TCG Online: What it is and how to gain new cards

Felipe Souza

Get to know Pokémon TCG Online: Play and Earn New Cards and Boosters for Free! It is possible to tra...

online guide pokemontcg guide

Pauper: Everything we know about Gates (so far)!

Pauper: Everything we know about Gates (so far)!


The Gates have become the new trend in Pauper. In this article, I analyze which strategies this comb...

Gates Pauper Analysis

Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: What it is and how to play

Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: What it is and how to play

Marcos Sobral

Still don't know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG? Come and discover one of the most fun card games in the ...

Yu-Gi-Oh! tcg tutorial

Deck Tech: Mewtwo V-Union Control - Surprised at the International!

Deck Tech: Mewtwo V-Union Control - Surprised at the International!

Rodrigo William

Follow this wonderful deck that gained great prominence at the International USA championship in Jun...

Standard mewtwo V-Union Deck Guide

Penny Dreadful: Season 25 Metagame Analysis & Decklists

Penny Dreadful: Season 25 Metagame Analysis & Decklists


Let's break through the 25th season of the cheapest format to play on MTGO and understand the main d...

mtgo penny dreadful metagame budget

Standard Deck Tech: Centiskorch Deck Out

Standard Deck Tech: Centiskorch Deck Out

Rodrigo William

Discover this unique post-Pokemon GO deck with the attacker Centiskorch (from Sword/Shield), and be ...

standard centiskorch deck tech

What Is the Uniqueness of Casino Gaming

What Is the Uniqueness of Casino Gaming


Casino gaming is the only type of game where you can win money while having fun. What makes it so sp...

unique casino gamming

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