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Rafael de Melo
In today's article, let's discuss hatchet-based Dorinthea - the Los Angeles Pro Tour finalist. We'll...
hatchet dorinthea CC protour
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I'll teach you how to play the 3 decks I used to get to Masters in 4 days. I only u...
guide standard decks
The Pro Tour Outlaws of Thunder Junction brought Standard's latest news and tech into the spotlight....
Standard Pro Tour Decks
Nat Almeida
Let's explore this new plane and find out what some of the Multiverse's favorite outlaws are up to!
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Dreamlit Paths is here! In this article, I'll bring you 15 decks I personally studied and strongly r...
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With Domain Ramp, Yoshihiko Ikawa defeated his teammate, Yuta Takahashi, in the finals of Pro Tour O...
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Check out the Pro Tour Outlaws of Thunder Junction Top 8 decklists, with 2 Esper Midrange, 2 Four-Co...
Pro Tour Decklists Noticia
In today's article, we separate ten Legacy cards that could enter Modern with MH3 and five cards who...
Modern Horizons 3 Speculation:Modern
In today's article, we delve into Golgari Rigging, a strategy that has gained notoriety in Pioneer b...
Pioneer Golgari Rigging Deck Guide
After the Raikou event, many new players started playing Pokémon Sleep. So, I thought it would be ni...
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With a high predominance of Esper Midrange and few appearances of new archetypes, the Pro Tour Outla...
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In this article, we look at the newest variant of Pauper's Boros decks, with a more aggressive stanc...
Pauper Boros Glitters Deck Guide
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, I'll analyze the main cards from the Legacy of Destruction set, and how they'll ...
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Legacy of Destruction
Pacto das Guildas
Outlaws of Thunder Junction is finally out! Today, I'll show you five decks with the new cards from ...
Standard OTJ Competitive
Discover the history and impact of Mana Burn in MTG and understand the reasons behind its removal fr...
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Cards Realm
Dive into the world of Magic: The Gathering Arena with expert tips, video insights, and game replays...
The Gathering Arena video tips game
In this insightful article, discover the proven strategies and techniques employed by successful tra...
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Discover the exciting world of eSports betting in the USA with our comprehensive guide. From underst...
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