Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Rodrigo William
Learn more about the Halloween themed cards for 2022 announced by Pokémon Company International.
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A new McDonald's promotion for Pokémon TCG is available in the United States, United Kingdom and Can...
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Marcos Sobral
Learn how to make your first investment in Yu-Gi-Oh!, build your first deck and start your collectio...
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Felipe Torres
Today, we introduce a Dimir budget list focused on Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy and the background Scion ...
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Capitão Serket
An amazing list that showed up recently, it holds off pretty good in the early game and finishes wit...
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Tony Lucas
If you don't know which deck to play in LoR after patch 3.4, I'll show you why the Improbulator de...
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Check out the Neon Dynasty Championship's Metagame, the first major event of the year, which will be...
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Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy is one of the most popular commander and excellent to build a deck around, so...
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In today's article, I present some deckbuilding process and card choices exercise through the lens o...
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Vinicius Sorin
Celebrate all the majesty of vampires and remember the evolution of the tribe in EDH: its main decks...
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This week, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa was awarded, by the second year, as the Best Card Games Athlete ...
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Kaji Pato
This article explains how focus work, and brings ten useful tips to improve it and, as a consequence...
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Bitcoin can be used for gambling on some casino sites and as with most cases: where there is additio...
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Some small tips can be enough to improve your RPG skills to a level where your party can kill a gree...
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If you’re wondering how to improve efficiency and save time in college, check out our tips and trick...
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Netflix recently admitted that the video game Fortnite is its biggest competitor. This post will bre...
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Today we will see how companies are simulating casinos through family video games
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An introduction to some of the most famous and best competitive CS:GO teams!
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