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Commander Deck Tech: Ayara, Widow of the Realm

Commander Deck Tech: Ayara, Widow of the Realm

Pedro Braga

In this article, we'll explore Ayara, Widow of the Realm's main advantages and unique abilities. Thi...

Commander Decktech

Eternal Deck Tech - Elise Gnar: Know the Power of Zoo's Strength!

Eternal Deck Tech - Elise Gnar: Know the Power of Zoo's Strength!


Today's article was a joint effort between me and competitive player Peace about Elise Gnar. He crea...

Eternal competitive Open Deck

Standard: 5 Decks with Wilds of Eldraine

Standard: 5 Decks with Wilds of Eldraine

Pacto das Guildas

Wilds of Eldraine is here. In today's article, I bring five lists for the Standard format with the n...

Standard WOE

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Columbus: Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Battle Hardened: Columbus: Top 8 and Decks


One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...

news competitive fab

One Piece TCG: 5 Budget Decks to Start With

One Piece TCG: 5 Budget Decks to Start With

Renan Menezes

The best way to start playing any TCG is by not spending much, and, therefore, here are 5 budget dec...

budget constructed Nami Zoro

Pauper: One Land Spy Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Pauper: One Land Spy Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


This article provides a detailed guide for building and playing a One Land Spy deck, including tips ...

pauper combo cmm

Hollywood strike could expand to the gaming market

Hollywood strike could expand to the gaming market

Pedro Fernandes

Artificial Intelligences are a real threat against game actors and voice actors.

greve hollywood greve videogame sag aftra

Upgrading Commander Precon - Fae Dominion (Alela, Cunning Conqueror)

Upgrading Commander Precon - Fae Dominion (Alela, Cunning Conqueror)


In this article, we'll show the newest precon list from Wilds of Eldraine, Fae Dominion, and discuss...

upgrade precon commander

Standard Deck Tech: Tyranitar ex Terastal

Standard Deck Tech: Tyranitar ex Terastal

Rodrigo William

Keep up with the Tyranitar ex Terastal list with its Electric type, which brings us back to its pred...

Standard Terastral Tyranitar Lightning Type

Standard Deck Tech: Blastoise ex: Theories and Possibilities with Set 151

Standard Deck Tech: Blastoise ex: Theories and Possibilities with Set 151

Rodrigo William

Get to know the set 151 Blastoise ex list, using Baxcalibur's advantages with the dynamic energy set...

Standard Blastoise Kanto Theory 151

Commander Review: Best Wilds of Eldraine cards for EDH

Commander Review: Best Wilds of Eldraine cards for EDH


In this article, we'll show and analyze the best cards released in Wilds of Eldraine for the big tab...

commander wilds of eldraine eldraine

Eternal Deck Guide -  Viktor Zoe: The New Broken Combo

Eternal Deck Guide - Viktor Zoe: The New Broken Combo

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the new broken combo which can wreak havoc on the ranked ladder and t...

guide eternal

Detective Pikachu 2 Promo Card and Live Action Film Sequel

Detective Pikachu 2 Promo Card and Live Action Film Sequel

Rodrigo William

News about the promotional card that will be given to Japanese players for the Switch game: Detectiv...

Detective Pikachu Card Promo Movie Switch

Top 5 Lineups for the Heart of the Huntress Eternal Runeterra Open!

Top 5 Lineups for the Heart of the Huntress Eternal Runeterra Open!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you'll see the Top 5 lineups which can appear in the Heart of the Huntress Eternal ...

guide competitive lineups eternal

Limited and Draft Guide: Wilds of Eldraine (WOE)

Limited and Draft Guide: Wilds of Eldraine (WOE)

Dereck Duque Estrada

In this article, we'll analyze the Wilds of Eldraine set with a focus on pre-release, Sealed and Dra...

limited draft prerelease

Standard Deck Tech: Charizard ex - Theories and Possibilities with 151 Collection

Standard Deck Tech: Charizard ex - Theories and Possibilities with 151 Collection

Rodrigo William

See the Charizard ex deck with the fire archetype, using the ability of Charizard ex Terastral for e...

Charizard 151 Kanto Theory

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Las Vegas and U.S. Nationals Decklists, Metagame and more!

Flesh and Blood - Calling: Las Vegas and U.S. Nationals Decklists, Metagame and more!


The U.S. National Championship brought many surprises to the surface for competitive players!

news competitive fab

Understanding RTP in Online Pokies

Understanding RTP in Online Pokies

Cards Realm

A deep dive into what RTP means and why it's crucial for online casino players.

online casino players poker rtp

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