Magic: the Gathering
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Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Raphael Martinez
Today, we'll explore a deck that uses the new prototype mechanic allied to Release the Wind to creat...
pioneer dimir deck tech sideguide
Pedro Braga
Will Phyrexians manage to invade Modern as well? Let's find out on our latest set review for Phyrexi...
Phyrexia Modern Review
Who is Elesh Norn? What are her intentions? What is the purpose of Phyrexia's glory? Learn more abou...
Elesh Norn Phyrexia Lore
The iconic event returns for celebrations!
news yugioh world championship
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I'll present a list with Yu-Gi-Oh!'s most used terms and slangs and their meanings.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Terms Slangs
Pacto das Guildas
In this article, we'll discuss the most important cards from Phyrexia: All Will be One for Explorer!
Explorer Phyrexia Spoilers Review
In this article, I assess the most recent changes and discuss which cards should be present on Yu-G...
In today's article, I'll analyze the 3 new archetypes from the new set, Amazing Defenders, and their...
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Review
Phyrexia: All Will Be One is Wizards of the Coast's next release, and with the preview season, we ca...
ONE Modern Legacy Vintage Commander
What is Voltron? And what are the best commanders for that? After analyzing the archetype, we bring ...
voltron Commander commander
We'll discuss in detail the perfect Midrange to face the format's Aggro decks. We count with strong ...
pioneer angels deck tech sideguide
Of all Magic tribes, one of the most loved ones are elves! In today's article, we'll learn how to us...
commander decktech
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, we'll discuss the 5 decks with the highest cubes per match rates. Here, besides you...
guide cubes marvel snap
We'll speak thoroughly about Pioneer's more aggressive Spirits version, the version with the highest...
pioneer spirits deck tech sideguide
We have here a good budget alternative to get into Pioneer. Metalwork Colossus is an aggressive deck...
deck tech pioneer
Gabriel Almeida
Explorer is Magic Arena's eternal format which is "loyal" to the physical card game, that is, withou...
explorer magic arena decks competitive
In this article, I'll recommend you good cheap monsters for you to use in your Extra Deck!
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Budget
Are you looking for a fun and effective way to learn English? Games are a great way to immerse yours...
learn english games