الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Tony Lucas
Find out which are the best cards from Marvel Snap's Pool 2 to get!
Pool 2 Marvel Snap Top 10
Rodrigo William
In the Pokémon world, in the midst of so many adventures, there are also criminal organizations that...
Villains Pokémon Lore
Find out which are the best cards from Marvel Snap's Pool 1 to get!
ranking pool 1 collection
The Brothers' War is the last release of 2022 for Pauper, and it brings some options to power certai...
Pauper Set Review The Brothers War
We've gathered the franchise's most important OVAs, with special considerations. I will show differe...
Pokémon OVA Animation
Reminiscent of one of the most powerful cards of the last decade and interacting with zero mana spel...
The Brothers' War Review
Rotation is coming to LoR in 2022 and it will bring big changes to the game, but what are the champi...
opinion rotation champions
Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim's ability set is solid enough to make it a potential Standard staple and a ...
Teferi The Brothers' War MTGBRO
Marcos Sobral
Are you an Aggro/Beatdown, Combo, Control or Mid-Range player? Find out in this quiz which archetype...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Quiz
In the spirit of Halloween, learn about examples of ghost Pokémon that are lethal to humans and Poké...
Pkémon Ghost Horror
Check out here in this article the 10 best-rated cards this second semester, this October, about the...
Standard Collectibles
In October 2022, Magic will be celebrating 30 years. In this article, we've put together 30 differen...
Tribes MTG Magic 30
Check out the 10 most expensive Blastoise cards, their reasons and curiosities. We will use the PSA ...
PSA Blaistoise Top 10
Meet the amphibious strength of the Poliwag evolutionary line, where Politoed, its final evolution, ...
Standard Deck Tech Politoed
In this article, we will review Seasonal history so far, and speak a bit about the winning line ups ...
competitive seasonal decks
Meet another Single Prize deck adopting the "Lost Box" system that is worth checking out for its agg...
Standard Shiftry Deck Tech
Entertaining yourself on your own has never been easier than it is today! Here are the best solo onl...
solo player online
It's little wonder that the Irish love a bet and many Irish Betting Sites offer a vast range of prom...
irish bet